Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ways of Separating Mixtures

this is one of my fave topics in chem so far.. idk why but i love this lesson. LOL hhmmmm... well maybe i do have an explanation.. i guess its because i love weird stuff even if im girly... mixing and then separating is a fun thing for me... LMAO... and i guess i got that from my mom(btw, i love my mom), she loves weird stuff(like mother like daughter)..

here's the over view of my fave lesson:

this is filtration which uses a glass funnel and a filter paper

this is decantation which uses a glass rod and a beaker

this is distillation which uses a lot of apparatus..LOL cant name them all.. sorry ma'am..=] maybe i wasnt paying much attention=[

im not really sure with the picture, thats the closest thing i could find.. so this is separating liquids which uses iron stand, iron ring separatory funnel and beaker..(hope this is the right picture)

this is chromatography,which uses a beaker and a paper...

some blogs are very long, but i like to keep mine short, simple and straight to the point..
oh and btw way here's some videos i'd like to show you... hope you enjoy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Chemistry Experiments

August 4-9, 2009 were the days when we had our first experiments in Chemistry III, I would say that it was some of the things that made me love Chemistry even more. Yes it was difficult but with team work and cooperation, we did the tasks well.

As a student of DOST-ESEP, it is traditional for us to never give up on the things that we are working on, no matter how hard it is.

We finished 4 activies for our group, even though we didn't complete all the activities, at least we did out best in the 4 activities.
My favorite was the 1st activity, it was simple and I really enjoyed the process. We did had our ups and downs during the process, but we finished it(barely)

Here are some pictures of us during the activity:

this is me and althea, holding the beaker and taking a pose. such adorable girls, right?

we are now doing the filtration part of the activity(the bad part is on the 1st try we got it wrong so we had to do it again.. arrrgghh)

this was our second attempt of the filtration process and this time we got it right(HURRAY! =])

okay, so that's me, althea and there's francis and recel you might not notice but im trying trying to get the water vapor from the funnel which was a stupid idea from some of the members(but hey we tried..LOL)

this is just a shot by chloe while we're making the activity.. nothing to see here people(pointless right? LOL)

Chemistry is not my main fave subject but its challenging because being on the field improves my skills as an immature scientist and a student at the same time. My groupmates during the first activity were not yet alert enough so we finished late but we never gave up, we did our best to be united on the other activities and we did(HURRAY!!). Thanks to our leader Francis and the others, our experiments were all successful(LOL).

this is all for now..

